Tuesday, June 30, 2009

thoughts from long ago

morality does not grant you christian hood, but a christian must strive for morality. objective morality which could not exist unless there was a set point of perfection or goodness being God or Jesus Christ.

why is it that you can be, feel or have two complete opposite positions so close together. Is there a world that can contain this at the same time, such as the trinity. You feel love and hate for someone in seconds, you can be boiling hot and screaming cold within moments. Yet they are complete opposites, how can this be? is there a dimension in which these two exist as one?

The grass is always greener on the other side, because we do not take the time to see how our grass has grown.......

a soul mate touches your soul deeper and more profoundly than any other friend, they are the one who revive you,understand you, and receive all of you, they carry the weight of who you are and delight in it, they laugh and they cry with you, you feel as if you are talking to yourself without the insanity..........

busyness overrides the seeping pain that emerges within the crevices of a lost and dying soul. when one is productive and purposeful one becomes, but mind you only for a moment, jaded into believing their life has meaning apart from Christ.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

wisdom with passion

my husband was telling me how he enjoys meeting someone who is older and has a wiser outlook on life. A type of person where they slow to answer or strike and step back from the situation to inquire more information and come up with a rational conclusion.

That view is much appreciated....

but it is also beautiful.......

to encounter someone who is full of passion and quick to react and quick to step into action although it may be rash. This kind of passion can stem from a lack of wisdom and immaturity

but put the two together "a balance of the two" if i may

and you have an extraordinary person who is wise and slow to react but has such solid passion it catches on and inspires greatness

to do lists

yes i agree we put way too much pressure on ourselves to get a large list done each day or each week. Some may say with technology we are able to get so much more done than people in third world countries so we should not stress about it. we should be thankful that if we are able to just get a handful of "items on our to do list" done in a week let alone a day.

We are definitely people who love instant gratification.................

yet those who are given much, much more is expected of them and rightly so. Since we are able to do more than people in third world countries we shall. We can expect more of ourselves because it is possible with great time management and efficiency to accomplish much in a day. Yet we can become to hard on ourselves and wear ourselves too thin.

I think its a balance of the two outlooks. On one hand we live in an area where we are handed a lot of resources and are able to be efficient just with technology alone. On the other hand it puts such a stress on us to accomplish much in a day that we are going to quickly and forget to enjoy the simple beautiful treasures we encounter each day. We are looking down at our "iphones" and our "to do lists for success" and forget to look at the eye of the person we may be encountering. We don't appreciate what we do get done and we turn our "to do list" or our busy social calendar into our successes which in turn we think of as "ourselves".

We are not our "to do lists" .......

Sunday, June 14, 2009

why balance in the paradox

do you ever feel like you have been misrepresented but ironically by yourself..........its put you in a dark place a hole in which you want to quickly crawl out of ....an oxymoron in itself............you want to reinstate what you meant to say but fear it coming across defensive or mundane..............life is messy.........life is paradoxical..........that is when we need to strive for balance...........because in balance comes some sort of order which may lead to some sort of peace ........peace that hopefully resides within our souls...

what is "soul care" i was left pondering......maybe its where you must go to extremes.........polar opposites and realize they are true at the same time.....and then create some sort of balance that in turn will care for your soul..........possibly??!?!