Tuesday, June 30, 2009

thoughts from long ago

morality does not grant you christian hood, but a christian must strive for morality. objective morality which could not exist unless there was a set point of perfection or goodness being God or Jesus Christ.

why is it that you can be, feel or have two complete opposite positions so close together. Is there a world that can contain this at the same time, such as the trinity. You feel love and hate for someone in seconds, you can be boiling hot and screaming cold within moments. Yet they are complete opposites, how can this be? is there a dimension in which these two exist as one?

The grass is always greener on the other side, because we do not take the time to see how our grass has grown.......

a soul mate touches your soul deeper and more profoundly than any other friend, they are the one who revive you,understand you, and receive all of you, they carry the weight of who you are and delight in it, they laugh and they cry with you, you feel as if you are talking to yourself without the insanity..........

busyness overrides the seeping pain that emerges within the crevices of a lost and dying soul. when one is productive and purposeful one becomes, but mind you only for a moment, jaded into believing their life has meaning apart from Christ.

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