Tuesday, June 23, 2009

to do lists

yes i agree we put way too much pressure on ourselves to get a large list done each day or each week. Some may say with technology we are able to get so much more done than people in third world countries so we should not stress about it. we should be thankful that if we are able to just get a handful of "items on our to do list" done in a week let alone a day.

We are definitely people who love instant gratification.................

yet those who are given much, much more is expected of them and rightly so. Since we are able to do more than people in third world countries we shall. We can expect more of ourselves because it is possible with great time management and efficiency to accomplish much in a day. Yet we can become to hard on ourselves and wear ourselves too thin.

I think its a balance of the two outlooks. On one hand we live in an area where we are handed a lot of resources and are able to be efficient just with technology alone. On the other hand it puts such a stress on us to accomplish much in a day that we are going to quickly and forget to enjoy the simple beautiful treasures we encounter each day. We are looking down at our "iphones" and our "to do lists for success" and forget to look at the eye of the person we may be encountering. We don't appreciate what we do get done and we turn our "to do list" or our busy social calendar into our successes which in turn we think of as "ourselves".

We are not our "to do lists" .......

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