Sunday, June 14, 2009

why balance in the paradox

do you ever feel like you have been misrepresented but ironically by yourself..........its put you in a dark place a hole in which you want to quickly crawl out of oxymoron in want to reinstate what you meant to say but fear it coming across defensive or is is paradoxical..........that is when we need to strive for balance...........because in balance comes some sort of order which may lead to some sort of peace ........peace that hopefully resides within our souls...

what is "soul care" i was left pondering......maybe its where you must go to extremes.........polar opposites and realize they are true at the same time.....and then create some sort of balance that in turn will care for your soul..........possibly??!?!

1 comment:

  1. For one who likes explanation by "examples," you are sure conceptual :).
